The discovery of a historical Christian Basilica in Tulcea – Romania

descoperire biserica veche tulcea Lacasuri Ortodoxe Lately, Danube waters decreased in Tulcea town, Romania. The city belongs to Delta of Danube area, apeciated all over the world for its outstanding beauty – flora and fauna. Lower Danube water level yielded an old Christian basilica, (century V – VI), near the ancient city of Noviodunum (now Isaccea).
In the afternoon hours of October 16, 2012, His Grace Vissarion (foto), the Orthodox Bishop of Tulcea, visited the new church discovered near the ancient city of Noviodunum, (actually Isaccea), reports the specialized press service Lăcașuri Ortodoxe – Lacasuri Ortodoxe romanian News Agency (Orthodox Mansions), according to data received from the representatives of the Eparchy (eq. diocese) of Tulcea, the official media partner of the news Agency.

"By God's will, these days have surfaced walls of an ancient basilica in ark (Noel ark) style, with its semicircular altar," said representatives of the Diocese.

According to Mr. Florin Topoleanu, archaeologist, the discovered basilica dating from the fifth – sixth centuries AD. Next year, a team of researchers will handle excavations.

“The discovery is further proof that the land of Dobrogea, an important area of ​​Romania, located near the Black Sea, hide numerous stone documentary traces, which certifies that the Apostle Andrew preached here, and his followers too, Christianity was widespread throughout the country. Here, were martyred saints who prayed in the churches and in that time both were represented models for ancestral and actualy generations, "said representatives of the eparchy, informs the specialized press service Lăcașuri Ortodoxe – Lacasuri Ortodoxe romanian News Agency (Orthodox Mansions).
This discovery is not unique in Dobrogea area. As far as we know, in Tulcea Diocese have been discovered similar historical basilicas. In Niculitel the archaeologists discovered a basilica which housed the relics of saints over the centuries: Zotic, Atal, Camasie and Philip, from the first centuries of Christianity, now known as the Saints of Niculitel (holy martyrs are celebrated by Orthodox Church on June 4). But the oldest basilica discovered in this area (dating from 290 AD) with the oldest relics discovered in Romania (in 2001), are located in Halmyris (Murighiol), a village belonging also in the Eparchy of Tulcea: Holy Martyrs Epictet the Priest and Astion the monk (Deacon), celebrated by Orthodox Church on 8 July, every year, according to the Orthodox calendar. They were martyred for the orthodoxy. Because of the Delta Danube beauty, unique in the world, and this testimonials of Christianity, Tulcea area has become one of international tourist attractions.
The Orthodox Eparchy of Tulcea belongs to Orthodox Patriarchate of Romania, headed by His Beatitude Daniel.

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