Saint Andrew, the Apostle, celebrated at “Holy Archangels” Monastery from Slobozia, Romania (gallery)

30 November 2014: On this Sunday, when the Orthodox Christian Church has celebrated Saint Andrew, the Apostle who christianized Romania, the First-Called, His Grace Vincentiu (Vincent), Bishop of Slobozia and Calarasi Diocese – Romanian Christian Orthodox Church – officiated the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at “Holy Archangels” Monastery from Slobozia city (Romania, Ialomita District).

With His Grace, served: Archimandrite Raphael, diocesan vicar, father Florin Daniel Enaşcu, father Florin Ionescu, Archideacon Nicuşor Silviu Dascalu, and other priests and deacons.

The monk Iuvenalie was ordained hierodeacon for “Holy Archangels” Monastery from Slobozia.

His Grace Vincent talked about the parable of “the young perfection eager governor”, about the advice of the Savior, to give up the riches and follow Him.

At the end of the service, Archimandrite Raphael, diocesan vicar, thanked to the Primate of the Diocese for his love and care for this Monastery.

His Grace blessed all the persons which were present at Divine Liturgy.

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